Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion

at Vibra Healthcare

To help carry out our mission, Vibra Healthcare’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council was established. Our DEI Council has committed itself to numerous awareness and action goals. The council’s membership includes employees from across the organization who volunteer their expertise and time to further the company’s DEI objectives.

To help carry out our mission, Vibra Healthcare’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council was established. Our DEI Council has committed itself to numerous awareness and action goals. The council’s membership includes employees from across the organization who volunteer their expertise and time to further the company’s DEI objectives.

2020 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report

As a company, we are in the beginning stages of evaluating DEI through our numbers. For 2020, we took a comprehensive approach using our own internal data to analyze our approximate 4,820 employees. Our 2020 data below reflects our organization as a whole and by individual hospitals. While this represents where we are today, we aren’t satisfied with these numbers and will be focused on our commitments and initiatives to make our workforce more diverse and reflective of the communities in which we operate.